I research the English-speaking Caribbean...
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
- Culture Contact: Trinidad “Pre-History”, Historical Representation and Multiculturalism (2012)
- White Supremacy versus Gangsterism on the Small-Goal Football Field (2012)
- Transnational Anti-Black Racism and State Violence in Trinidad (2015)
- Languaculture and grassroots football: “Small goal” in Trinidad (2016)
- ‘Who ent dead, badly wounded’: The everyday life of pretty and grotesque bodies in urban Trinidad (2018)
- Love Is Love: The Recent Jason Jones Judgement in Trinidad and Tobago (2018)
- Language-in-Use Living under Militarisation and Insecurity: How Securitisation Discourse Wounds Trinidad (Supplementary material here) (2018)
- The Gaols of Guyana: Hauntology and Trauma in the Soundscape of Prison (2021)
- ‘Prison Officer Pains’: How And Why Coloniality Shapes the Job of a Prison Officer In Guyana Today (2024)
- Caribbean Judicial Dialogue: Securing Equality for All - The Evidence and Recommendations (2019)
- Crime, Gender and Sexuality in the Anglophone Caribbean (2019)
- Crime in Selected Caribbean Territories: Culture and Representation (2020)
- Bobol as Transhistorical Cultural Logic: The Coloniality of Corruption in Trinidad (2020)
- Recording Keeping and the Management of Prisons in Guyana (2020)
- Contemporary Substance Use in Guyana: The Prison Context (2020)
- Confronting Silences Haunting Guyana's Juvenile System (2021)
- Breaking Bad. Gangs, Masculinities and Murder in Trinidad (2022)
- Differentiating the local impact of global drugs and weapons trafficking: How do gangs mediate ‘residual violence’ to sustain Trinidad’s homicide boom? (2023)
- Individualism, Group Recognition and the Social Construction of Race on Reality TV (2011)
- “She look for it”: Young men, community violence, and gender in urban Trinidad (2019)
- Thin selves: popular psychology and the transnational moral grammar of self-identity (2020)
- Coloniality and Mental Health, Neurological and Substance Abuse (MNS) Disorders in Guyana's Prisons Today (2021)
- Therapeutic politics reconsidered: Power, post-colonialism and the psychologisation of society in the Global South (2022)
- Chronic and multidimensional conflict in Latin America and the Caribbean: An analysis from a peace and social cohesion perspective (2022)
Academic Book Chapters and Reviews
- Indo-Caribbean Indenture: Resistance and Accommodation, 1838–1920, by Lomarsh Roopnarine - Caribbean Review of Books
- Human Trafficking and Forced Prostitution: A Channel Carrier of HIV - Working with Youth, Women and Children with HIV/Aids: Strategic Intervention for Inclusive Development
- Woodbrook on the Path to Independence - In the Fires of Hope: Trinidad and Tobago at 50
- The return of the native: The Amerindians - Caribbean Review of Books
- Best of British: Bonds of Empire: West Indians and Britishness from Victoria to Decolonisation, by Anne Spry Rush - Caribbean Review of Books
- Therapeutic technologies and Therapeutic institutions: Editor's Introduction - The Routledge International Handbook of Global Therapeutic Cultures
- Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival - American Anthropologist
- Treasured moments - Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
- White Collar Crime in Trinidad - Gangs in the Caribbean
- Crime, criminality and North-to-South criminological complexities: Theoretical implications for policing ‘hotspot’ communities in ‘underdeveloped’ countries’ - The Palgrave Handbook of Criminology and the Global South
- Therapeutic Jurisprudence in Trinidad and Tobago: Legitimacy, Inclusion and the Neo-colonialism of Procedural Justice - The Routledge International Handbook of Global Therapeutic Cultures
- Exploring Alienation, Bias and Coloniality in twenty-first century Magistrates' Courts of Trinidad and Tobago - Decolonial Perspectives on Entangled Inequalities: Europe and The Caribbean
- Antonio Gramsci by Antonio A. Santucci. Translated by Graziella DiMauro with Salvatore Engel-DiMauro - Marx & Philosophy Review of Books
- Capitalism and the Dialectic: The Uno-Sekine Approach to Marxian Political Economy, by John R. Bell - Capital and Class
- Only West Indians: Creole Nationalism in the British West Indies - Wadabagei
- Creole to the World: Globalisation and the Post-Creole Imagination: Notes on Fleeing the Plantation, by Michaeline A. Crichlow, with Patricia Northover - Caribbean Review of Books
- Make it New: The Thought of New World: The Quest for Decolonisation, ed. Brian Meeks and Norman Girvan - Caribbean Review of Books
- The biopolitics of colonial carcerality: Colonialism and its afterlife in prison historiography of Guyana - Carceral Worlds: Legacies, Textures and Futures
Online Essays
- Savage Minds and the anthropological ground zero - Savage Minds
- Who has the power? - Pop Anth
- White Collar Crime and Everyday Corruption: From the Colonial to the Behavioural - Anthropoliteia
- The Financialisation of Academic Knowledge Production - Social Science Space
- The Other Side of Justice - Pop Anth
- The Sociological Imagination without W.E.B. Du Bois? - Bristol University Press
- Abolition and the Colonial Amnesia of Caribbean Prison Systems - MNS Guyana
- Interdisciplinary Working - MNS Guyana
American University, Washington, DC, USA - Ph.D., in Anthropology, 2005 – 2010
Dissertation: The Accumulation of Capital and the Shifting Construction of Difference: Examining the Relations of Colonialism, Post-colonialism and Neo-colonialism in Trinidad (please email me if you would like a copy)
Committee: William Leap (Chair), Brett Williams, David Vine
Dissertation: The Accumulation of Capital and the Shifting Construction of Difference: Examining the Relations of Colonialism, Post-colonialism and Neo-colonialism in Trinidad (please email me if you would like a copy)
Committee: William Leap (Chair), Brett Williams, David Vine